Sample the 90 Days to Razor Sharp Technique - Efficient Herbert L. Clarke Course for Trumpet and all Brass Players!
The Herbert L. Clarke Book is available in both treble and bass clefs!
Some of the excerpts in this sample are taken from my original course which was for trumpet. It has since been expanded to include all low brass. However, you may see me refer to "trumpet", but don't be mislead: Almost all the techniques now can be applied to all brass per the modifications that have subsequently made. For example: Near the end of the sample, I am doing a finger coordination drill off the horn. A similar exercise can also be done for the Slide execution off the horn as well!
This is actually more than a sample. It is a lesson. The entire video is close to 42 minutes taken directly from the my Herbert L. Clarke Technique Course. This sample is around 100mb.
I do not recommend downloading this to a phone. It is much better to download first to a Computer, Mac, or Laptop. If you later want to transfer some lessons to your phone, that is fine and should work.
Internet not too fast? When that happens, I head to Starbucks during late morning or mid-afternoons and the speed is usually quite fast - 100mbps!
lol last resort: McDonalds! Even if you are out in the boonies, you should be able to find a Mcdonalds somewhere near the highway, right? They have free internet and it is decently fast at 20mbps.
Get this sample and if you like the flow, you will LOVE the full course. It will love you back by making you a much better player in just 90 days!