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Email From Mother Of All-State High School Trumpeter Enduring Excessive Mouthpiece Pressure and Lip Tissue Inflammation

Email From Mother Of All-State High School Trumpeter Enduring Excessive Mouthpiece Pressure and Lip Tissue Inflammation. The following is an email I received from a mother who was concerned about her son. Supposedly he was a good trumpeter player in high school auditioning for All-State Band. Although I bent over backwards for her with a very, very detailed response regarding embouchure strength for brass and trumpet players as well as some options to correct her son's situation, I never received a reply. Lol, I did not even get a simple thank you. This is another example of GIVING AWAY my time for free. It is part of the job description some times, but golly gee, If you can't tip or...



THE SECRET TO FIXING MOUTHPIECE WOES! HERE IS THE SECRET, BUT YOU ARE NOT GOING TO LIKE IT: STRENGTH! See? I told you you wouldn't like that answer, but the fact is, IT IS TRUE! I am not talking about "dialing" in a more perfect mouthpiece to give you that extra edge which is something I have spent time and money doing!  10 years ago, when I went to Bob Reeves, I already had a Triple G. I had already stood out in from of large to very large audiences and played Maynard type high note solos or the hardest lead parts known to man! 10 years later I am the official record holder for the highest note documented via...


What Is The Best Way To Improve Your Accuracy Above The Staff On Any Brass Instrument?

Missing notes for any brass player is quite easy. Even the most famous and accomplished professional trumpet players, French Horn players, and others have been known to miss a note here and there. What are the causes of missing notes and accuracy issues? Is it a low quality instrument? The wrong mouthpiece? A bad teacher? Not enough practice? Too much practice? Would you be surprised to find out there is a way to put your thumb on the scale and tilt the odds in your favor of increased accuracy and less missed notes especially above the staff?
