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Weeks 6-10 from the 16 Week Upper Register Course by Kurt Thompson $98 - Trumpetsizzle

Weeks 6-10 from the 16 Week Upper Register Course (ORIGINAL 2009) ***

Regular price $78.00
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Unlock your potential and elevate your musical abilities with the Weeks 6-10 package from the 16 Week Upper Register Course. This essential continuation allows you to build on the incredible foundation established in the first five weeks, ensuring your progress remains structured and effective.

By purchasing the Weeks 6-10 package, you will:

- Experience consistent progress toward your goals with structured training.
- Access comprehensive video lessons that replicate the full course experience.
- Engage in a personalised 30-minute review session at Week 10, where you can ask questions and receive tailored feedback.
- Master essential techniques that will significantly enhance your performance.

As you navigate through these crucial weeks, anticipate transformative improvements in:

- Ease of playing
- Command and control
- Intonation and accuracy
- Endurance during rehearsals and performances

Weeks 6-8 present a thrilling challenge as your body adapts to increased demands. Trust the process, embrace the journey, and prepare for breakthroughs that will redefine your musical boundaries.

Download your package now and prepare to unlock a new chapter in mastering the upper register. Transform your playing today and embrace the musician you have always aspired to be.

Unlock your potential with the Weeks 6-10 package from the 16 Week Upper Register Course. This exclusive offering allows you to continue your journey after experiencing the incredible value of the first five weeks.

- Enjoy structured continuity in your training, ensuring consistent progress toward your goals.
- Benefit from comprehensive video lessons that mirror the complete course experience.
- Gain insights through a 30-minute personalised review session at Week 10, where you can direct questions and receive feedback.
- Advance with confidence as you navigate through essential techniques designed to elevate your performance.

Throughout this crucial phase, anticipate a gradual yet powerful transformation. While initial weeks may not reveal immediate results, by Weeks 3-4, you will see significant improvements in:

- Ease of playing
- Command and control
- Intonation and accuracy
- Endurance during rehearsals and performances

Prepare for an exciting challenge during Weeks 6-8, as your body adapts to new demands. Trust the process, embrace the journey, and prepare for breakthroughs in your playing.

Download your package easily with a solid internet connection, and ensure you have the storage space to start your next chapter in mastering the upper register. Transform your playing and redefine your musical boundaries with the Weeks 6-10 package today.


Weeks 6-10 from the 16 Week Upper Register Course (ORIGINAL 2009 VERSION)

1. You have just completed the Weeks 1-5 package!

2. After having already gone through the first 5 weeks, you have found great value!

3. You think it is wise to keep continuity in the course by continuing with the next installment of this 16 Week Upper Register Course!


I say get the FULL, COMPLETE 16 Week course, but...I am biased lol!

So you want to play it safe? A bit hesitant? Still not exactly sure?

No Problem!

These are the NEXT 5 weeks of the course on video just like everyone else experiences. It ends perfectly on Week 10 which is when EVERYBODY takes their review with me. 

30 minute review included! email at week 10 to set this up.

This comes packed in a zip file that is about 500mb. Make sure you have enough storage and a solid, fast internet connection. Sometimes people experience problems downloading to their phone so downloading to a laptop or tablet may work best.

Now, don't forget: Adjust your expectations based on the data:

When to expect your results:

After a decade of teaching this course, the data points to these averages:

  • Nothing after the first 2 weeks! Lol this is important because I do get people taking the course thinking they might be playing like Maynard Ferguson after learning just a few techniques in the first week or so.
  • Around Weeks 3-4 many folks experience: more ease of playing, more power, more command and control, better intonation, better accuracy, and a lift in their endurance at rehearsals and performances. 
  • Between Weeks 4-5 many will have their first 1/2 step increase in range. One day it just happens and it catches most of guard! 
  • Weeks 6-8 tend to be a period of stagnation and treading water. The reason is because of 2 things: 1. Your body is catching up to all the increased load being placed upon it. 2. Weeks 6 and 7 are the 2 most difficult weeks in the course because of the many techniques that are given to the student and also because of the placement in the course. In other words if Weeks 6 and 7 could be switched to Weeks 1 and 2, they would not appear to be so tough.
  • During the period between Weeks 8 and 9, many will notice their 2nd half step increase in range. Weeks 8 and 9 are not very difficult and then there is Week 10 where nothing new is added and we have a review.
  • Week 10 - 11 marks the appearance of the 3rd half step increase in range. Now, on average, most students have gained a minor third in range...very cool.
  • Weeks 11-14 are advanced techniques, but because there are an even 5 techniques for each week, many students find themselves gaining another half step to a whole step during this time period. So potentially, you could have added a major third to a perfect 4th to your range by the end of Week 14.
  • Weeks 14-16 can be a period of slow growth to a stagnation and most students will either not make any more gains or they might receive one more 1/2 step.

There you have it! On average, most brass players and I am talking ALL brass players: French Horn, Euphonium, Trombone, Cornet, Trumpet, Baritone, except Tuba, will experience the above range increase progression. The reason Tuba is the exception is because so far, no Tuba has actually taken and completed the entire course so the verdict is still out with tuba players.


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